Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines 當漫畫搬上大螢幕,就是會出現一些奇怪的鏡頭.. ▼人好小▼火影忍者鳴人的眼晴!!!▼幾頭身?▼如果我不說你知道他是誰嗎?(答案:航海王的香吉士)▼光之美少女,今天忘了化妝就上場的樣子?▼新娘抱的姿勢非常奇怪▼高麗菜怎麼切成這樣的XDDD▼手指數?▼90度的道路▼眼晴www▼臉歪眼斜...▼脖子有點South Carolina lawmakers took a step on Monday toward removing the Confederate battle flag that flies at the state house in Columbia, long denounced as a symbol of slavery by critics. A bill to banish the flag from a Civil War memorial on the capitol grou...