Android UI Patterns: Yahoo! Weather App - A Beautiful Design Failure 現代人和野獸接觸的機會很少,所以萬一遇到,會不知所措。下面的內容,也許能發揮點作用! 1. 鯊魚 在150多種鯊魚當中,只有約20種會攻擊人類。首先,不要在水裡尿尿或是流血,以免吸引鯊魚。然後,如果遇到鯊魚,不要背對它逃跑,以免被認為是獵物。最後,如果真的要戰鬥,攻擊它的眼睛和鰓 &It is not often when you run into an app that demonstrates both best and worst design and implementation out there. But Yahoo! has done it with their weather app for Android. This app is a sad example of what ignorance of the platform and its guidelines c...