
Android UI Patterns: Yahoo! Weather App - A Beautiful Design Failure 戶外篇 ☆騎自行車時墊上 1、想必每個騎行的漢子妹子都遇到過這個尷尬……長途遠行,屁股痛啊!貼幾片當坐墊,超舒服,效果一流,大力推薦! 2、在長途騎行的時候,可以在大腿內側每側貼一片,防止磨損大腿根,親測有效! ☆用來作鞋墊 衛生巾柔軟舒適而且透風,讓你日行千里腳不疼,It is not often when you run into an app that demonstrates both best and worst design and implementation out there. But Yahoo! has done it with their weather app for Android. This app is a sad example of what ignorance of the platform and its guidelines c...


Getting started with the Yahoo Weather app - CNET 日本學生的課本塗鴉。。。這技術。。。 1,誰能想到圓心角和圓周角竟然是內褲?! 2,這急救水平,不做還可以救過來,做了就……   3,放棄科學,還是用魔法救人吧!   4,元ペリー(其實小編不知道這個人是誰?尷尬。。。)   5,元ペリー(Yahoo released a beautiful (and free) weather app for iPhone that integrates Flickr photos. See how it works and you may soon replace your iPhone's current go-to weather app....


A Full Yahoo! Weather App, Yes Another One - CodeProject  人在旁邊晃呀晃的,難怪看起來就很穩     這個看起來就很假,原來拍的方式也真的很…     同場加映一個浮誇的撞車 I appereciate your hard work in this. But just incase you create another App such as this, it could be great if it could show the weather cast outside of the United States also. I live in Europe and its showing the weather cast in the United States only. ...


Yahoo Mail - Meet the multi-talented Yahoo Mail app.“天啊!怎麼連九把刀也劈腿了?!”~這是許多年輕男女昨天在看到新聞報導時的第一個反應。媒體大幅報導,知名作家、導演九把刀,被《壹周刊》拍到,和中視力捧的新生代女主播周小姐待在摩鐵三小時,之後還依依不捨地吻別。昨日九把刀正式召開記者會,承認自己劈腿,表明自己雖然很喜歡這位周小姐Check your mail, personalized news, local weather, sports scores, stocks and more – all from one app. ... Meet the multi-talented Yahoo Mail app. Check your mail, personalized news, local weather, sports scores, stocks and more – all from one ......
