Android UI Patterns: Yahoo! Weather App - A Beautiful Design Failure 戶外篇 ☆騎自行車時墊上 1、想必每個騎行的漢子妹子都遇到過這個尷尬……長途遠行,屁股痛啊!貼幾片當坐墊,超舒服,效果一流,大力推薦! 2、在長途騎行的時候,可以在大腿內側每側貼一片,防止磨損大腿根,親測有效! ☆用來作鞋墊 衛生巾柔軟舒適而且透風,讓你日行千里腳不疼,It is not often when you run into an app that demonstrates both best and worst design and implementation out there. But Yahoo! has done it with their weather app for Android. This app is a sad example of what ignorance of the platform and its guidelines c...