yanko design - modern industrial design news

Yanko Design | Modern Industrial Design News根據網站BrightSide的報導,對女生而言,有些單品是屬於「就連全世界最帥的男生也無法駕馭」的,而這些單品如果穿在一般男生身上就成的「超NG穿搭」!你以為自己這樣穿很潮嗎?其實在女生眼裡這樣的打扮真的會讓人想裝作不認識你啊... 1. 領口低到肚臍的T-shirt (Source: BGone are the days when headphones were monstrous little horseshoe shaped creatures draped around your skull. Now with button sized cameras, fitting inside your… ... About Yanko Design We’re an online magazine dedicated to covering the best in internationa...


Et Tu Dyson? - Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News▲看到她的下半身就會懂了(source:brightside本文圖片皆來自此處)   根據brightside的報導,她是來自澳洲的「大尺寸模特兒」Stefania Ferrario,她靠著自己在玲瓏有致的好身材,帶給歐美模兒特界一個超大的震撼彈,因為她用自己的美證明了:不用骨瘦如材的模特I too went looking for patents on this wind circle idea, and came up dry. Aethetically I perfer it to the Dysun, however, this is just a concept, and hasn’t been produced to my knowledge. As for the Dysun, it’s basically a motor-driven fan. Primarily base...


Modern Industrial Design and Future Technology - Tuvie南極婚禮起初只是個玩笑話? Janet老公曾警告:小心別愛上我 兩人也曾討論過未來可能會分開?   (Janet與George在企鵝的見證下完婚。圖片來源:凱特文化提供)   Janet謝怡芬與老公 George Young吳宇衛結婚近兩年,南極婚禮後兩人依舊過著遠距離Tuvie . Future technology and modern industrial design ideas and news. We cover future technology, industrial designs, product designs, automotive designs, gadgets, futuristic concepts, and much more. ... Sonder keyboard is said to be world’s first e-ink ...


Freshome.com - Official Site ▲屁孩上網炫耀自己16歲就能開TOYOTA。(source:臉書)   台灣的青少年總是想藉由耍帥、裝大尾、穿潮牌等等引起大家的注意,但往往成為別人的笑柄而不自知。 今天(11/21)有一位16歲的青少年名叫劉克漢,早上在臉書PO文且附圖:「16歲,我擁有一台toyota,而你騎著一台垃Interior design, modern product designs and contemporary world architecture news blog magazine. Freshome ... Designed by Marmol Radziner and constructed by Fountainhead Builders-Developers, this new home in LA presents its contemporary shape in photos ......


Design Milk - Official Site 相信很多人的童年都有小當家的陪伴 更有不少強者挑戰過動畫中的料理   像是中國網友雨前羽街 就在部落格分享過20幾道小當家的實作過程 ▼彩虹粥 Source: 雨前羽街的日记 ▼非麵 Source: 雨前羽街的日记   而最近在PTT上 也有網友分享同事製作的2道小當家料理 &Design Milk is a design blog featuring interior design ideas, architecture, modern furniture, home decor, art, style, and technology founded by Jaime Derringer. ... Some fun recent discoveries from Dog Milk including a retail shop with a dog agility cours...


Core77 - Official Site ▲超空靈系的性感女模竟然是棉花糖女孩。(source:instagram)   近年來,棉花糖女孩越來越受歡迎,只要活出自信、活出美麗,都會很受大家歡迎,像是日本的渡邊直美就風靡全台。 但是有一位超空靈系的女模名叫Stefania,大家光看一張照片根本看不出來她是棉花糖女孩!一定要多看幾By Core Jr - Jul 01 The MIMIC Wall: Rethinking the Workplace MG2 and Eastman Innovation Lab join forces to imagine the office of the future From standing desks to open plans, the modern workplace has become a leading site for design ......
