最新!Dior Addict Fluid Stick廣告
Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News Dior最新款唇蜜廣告- Dior Addict Fluid Stick系列強調自然且亮澤的效果,有別於一般唇蜜更為持久、光感度更好。Dior有請超級名模Sasha Lussq拍攝這系列廣告,展演時尚的新風潮。影片中Sasha Luss白淨的臉龐配上紅唇,輕鬆創造美麗迷人的效果,背景音樂以Mart12 Inspirational and Exclusive Interviews on Yanko Design – Vivian Wai Kwan Cheng The ‘12 Inspirational and Exclusive Interviews’ series is back with a brand new episode, one that focuses on the importance of honesty and staying true to your beliefs. I ki...