Volkswagen Golf Alltrack準備搶攻北美市場!連Golf都要來個跨界輕度越野風就
How Tall Is Yao Ming? Is His Height 7' 5" Or 7' 6"? - Natural Height GrowthisCar! 曾於2014年巴黎現身的福斯Golf Alltrack,作為原廠視作壯大Golf車系的全新力做,沈寂了一段時間,終於也以量產實車之姿正式搶2016年紐約車展,預計2016年第二季就有機會搶攻北美市場。雖說國內已有Golf旅行車型Variant編成,但未來是否有機會導入台灣?台灣福斯仍未This will be another one of those fun posts which I have always wanted to write about but never could find a platform or place to write about such a topic. Today’s post is on the real height of ex-NBA star Yao Ming. Since I have been a basketball fan, I h...