YAZAKI Connectors Catalog - 矢崎コネクタカタログ 真正心疼你的, 就是處處為你著想的人。 捨不得你花錢, 電話總是掛斷再打過來; 生怕你熬夜, 晚上總是催促你早點休息。 你病了, 焦急的再三詢問; 你煩了, 耐心的一直勸慰; 你累了, 體貼的不再打擾。 其實那些不In this catalog, you can find yazaki's typical connectors. Yazaki has developed and manufactured in consideration of the critical automotive conditions such as the vibration, mechanical shock, environment, etc. over many years. Yazaki's products are relia...