yes i can awards 2014

2014 SBS Drama Awards » Dramabeans Korean drama recaps幹嘛活到 85歲? 有個65歲的老頭子,拿著全部過關的健康檢查報告,頗滿意的問醫生:「以65歲的年紀來說,已經挺不錯了吧?你覺得我可以活到85嗎?」醫生問:「我不知道 --- 你喝不喝酒、抽不抽煙、嗑不嗑藥.....???!!!」老先生回答:「對!除了上教堂、聖誕節偶爾喝點紅酒,20多歲後And now for SBS’s awards! I thought yesterday’s ceremony over at MBC was a bit lackluster, but maybe that was more about not really loving MBC’s dramas of the past year and not having seen very many of their winners. It’s a different story over at SBS, wh...


Darwin Awards - Official Site幸運的信親愛的春嬌:在眾多視賭如命的賭徒中脫穎而出,獨占鰲頭的簽中樂透頭獎,是一種幸運;在千軍萬馬裡過關斬將殺出一條血路,戰至最後的一兵一卒才能命中卵子的精蟲,也是一種幸運;在眾多水性楊花、殘花敗柳的流『腥』花園裡能遇見你,更是幸運中的幸運;別怪我出言不遜、用詞不『蕩』,因為你的出現已經將我空明的心DARWIN AWARD: Delhi Sandwich (23 September 2014, India) Life of Pi, move over, Maqsood has a tale to tell. This 19-year-old factory worker joined a White tiger for lunch yesterday in the cat's Delhi zoo home. After being cautioned twice to not climb over ...


"We will need writers who can remember freedom": Ursula K Le Guin at the National Book Awards - park昨天我哥例行地騎機車來接我下班騎著騎著,車子都遇到了紅燈停了下來快要變綠燈的時候,隔壁機車上的情侶中的男生對著我們大叫媽的~老兄!你馬子怎麼醜成這樣啊!下次記得找正一點的啊!哈哈哈哈~~~~~~說完就邊狂笑邊狂催油門一溜煙的就不見了我心想:算了~反正我也不是啥大正妹...(不過這樣被講心裡也不是很高Ursula K. Le Guin was honored at the National Book Awards tonight and gave a fantastic speech about the dangers to literature and how they can be stopped. As far as I know it’s not available online yet (update: the video is now online), so I’ve transcribe...


News - OASIS在一個偏僻的村莊,一條羊腸小道上有一根筆直的電線桿,說也奇怪,常常有人在那出事。不久一對年輕男女不小心騎車撞倒,當場斃命。一天晚上,5歲的小志和他媽媽在回家路上經過那兒,小志突然“媽媽,電線桿上有兩個人。”媽媽牽著他的手快速走開說:“小孩子不要亂說”但Remember Applications for the Australia Awards Scholarships 2017 intake will open in OASIS from 1 February to 30 April 2016 (midnight Australia Eastern Standard Time). Please refer to the Australia Awards Scholarships Policy Handbook ......


Leonardo DiCaprio - Awards - IMDb阿強在經濟拮据的時候寫了封信向上帝求救,希望祂能惠賜他1000元以渡過難關。郵差看到這封信後覺得阿強很可憐,便自掏腰包寄了500元給他。過沒多久,郵差又收到阿強要寄給上帝的信。郵差打開來一看,只見他寫道:「親愛的上帝,謝謝?幫我渡過難關。我並不是想抱怨,但請下次送錢來時別再透過郵差了,他們抽的佣金實Leonardo DiCaprio on IMDb: Awards, nominations, and wins ... 2016 Won Golden Globe Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama The Revenant (2015) 2014 Won Golden Globe Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Comedy or ......


And the Official 5th Annual Winners Are...某新兵常常請假,請到最後找不到理由,便在單子上寫「我媽分娩」班長大怒:「你媽分娩是你爸的事!你回去幹什麼?」新兵:「喔!我爸爸早車禍死了!我可憐的媽媽已經守寡七年了…。」大兵:班長!我妹妹結婚!我明天要回去參加婚禮!班長:明天再來第二天班長:14671!!我昨天打電話回你家!你媽說你妹Readers' Choice Honorable Mention Philosophy The Microdelivery Daily Exfoliating Wash Philosophy has nailed it with this one! I can use it every day without it drying out my skin! It has fine non-gritty components to it so that helps polish dullness away ...
