Mr.Yes Wedding Cinema 據外媒報導,近日,美國5歲男孩哈斯爾意外發現微軟雲端遊戲平台Xbox Live的安全漏洞(bug),無須輸入正確密碼便可進入父親的Xbox Live賬戶,父親將這一漏洞報告給了微軟。男孩獲得微軟的正式感並贈送4款遊戲,以及為期1年的Xbox Live服務作為禮物。不少網友都稱這位小男孩為史上最小的Kelvin + Rebecca 2014.3.24 The video filmed by Mr. Yes Wedding Cinema team, and they are much recommended. I made first contact 3 years ago. (At the time I don’t know where the wedding is going to be or who am I going to married to). The day started from ...