Tableau Vivant of The Delirium Constructions - Skylight One Hanson, 2011 on Vimeo隨著科技進步以及各種日新又新的修圖軟體,擁有一張和大明星的合照已經不是什麼遙不可及的事情,心情好PS個一百張也是OK;不過如果當閣下在P的過程還只是停留在「和大明星合照」的概念那就太落伍了,以下這位外國網友將李奧納多合成為小老百姓的生活隨拍照片,只能說太有才了啊! &nbTwo years in the making, on May 23rd and 24th of 2011, Sarah Small and collaborators mounted a 120-participant Tableau at the former Williamsburg Savings Bank, now… ... Two years in the making, on May 23rd and 24th of 2011, Sarah Small and collaborators ....