『Ford Kuga』新年式正式發表,外觀內裝同步進化,勸敗力大幅升級
Premier Taxis - Silver Cab Singapore - Premier Taxis Pte Ltd - Singapore Taxi | Taxi Singapore | TaxisCar! 日內瓦車展即將開幕,不少車廠都準備在這個國際級的車展盛事上發表他們的重點產品。然而想要在這個展會上佔有一席之地,耗費的成本絕對不低,而且在眾車雲集的狀況下,總會有幾部相對冷門的小車的目光被其他重點車款搶走,於是Ford決定在世界行動通訊大會(Mobile World Congress)Silvercab Review by Tan Yi Hui, The Straits Times Silvercab (Premier Taxis) 2,300 cabs and 15 operators Tel: 6363-6888 Call service: Out of four calls, twice I could not get through on the first attempt. Total time on hold for each failed call: about six ...