Case Study Research: Design and Methods (Applied Social Research Methods): Robert K. Yin: 9781452242 「我們都該有兩個情人。一個愛我的,一個我愛的。」 電影《女朋友。男朋友》描寫兩男一女互為好友又互為情敵的三角戀關係,複雜的戀情糾結人心,電影以1990學運時代作為背景更加突顯當時的同志處境有多艱難。22年後的台灣社會對於同志接受度是否隨著時間提升?波仕特線上市調網在2012/8/9特別針對「同志」Robert K. Yin is President of COSMOS Corporation, an applied research and social science firm. Over the years, COSMOS has successfully completed hundreds of projects for federal agencies, state and local agencies, and private foundations, and most of this...