YONEX - world leader in Golf, Tennis and Badminton - 軟式網球 Soft Tennis - 軟網拍 Soft Tennis Racquets之前老皮迷戀AKB的大島優子時,奮發向上的學了一小段時間日文,發現其實雖然一樣是漢字,但日本的意思跟我們學的中文的意思有時意義大不相同,為何老皮今天要這樣說呢?就是啊~有時迷片封面上的漢字跟圖,要是沒有仔細看,按了左鍵下載完成後,會有意想不到驚人的影片呢!! ▼你相信這是男生嗎? ▼以The world leader in Golf, Tennis and Badminton equipment. At YONEX, we take the game as seriously as you do. We are a company driven by technology, so we constantly explore new materials, new designs and new ways of improving your game....