you are what you eat

Biological Molecules - You Are What You Eat: Crash Course Biology #3 - YouTube 最近,一位來自韓國的插畫師 명민호 Myeong-Minho 就畫出了自己 從單身狗到 戀愛後的不易過程 ▼     當명민호還是 一個人的時候 ▼     每一分一秒的時間 都在自己的手心流淌 想做什麼想幹什麼 都由自己掌控 ▼    Hank talks about the molecules that make up every living thing - carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins - and how we find them in our environment and in the food that we eat. Crash Course Biology is now available on DVD!


Fun Things To Do While You're Waiting - What are YOU waiting for*?本文已獲:大叔爱吐槽 授權轉載 微信號:dashuaitucao 原文標題:青年網購充氣娃娃,到貨後是這畫風 轉載授權請與原作者聯繫,未經同意請勿任意轉載。     ▲現在的充氣娃娃做得真精緻。(source:微信)     有個青年網購充氣娃娃,這What are YOU waiting for*? ... Although Summer is technically still 20 days away, June in Georgia might as well be Summer. As Coralie mentioned last Friday, the fruits and veggies are already out in full force....


Eathropology « Eat what you want. Get the facts. ▲太愛玩神魔之塔的男友?(source: YouTube+靠北男友截圖)   大家好我是云編~ 很多女生在跟男友交往的時候,往往不能理解的就是為何男友那麼愛打電動,不管是PS4、電腦遊戲還是手遊,玩起來真的是沒日沒夜,讓不少女孩難以理解而森77。其實打電動就跟喜歡追劇、做料理一樣都是一種Eat what you want. Get the facts. (by Adele Hite, MPH RD) ... If you have been following any of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s meetings (who does that anyway? I mean, unless you are a total geek like I am), then you might have noticed that th...


What you eat can fuel or cool inflammation, a key driver of heart disease, diabetes, and other chron ▲Wow。(source: 環球風景畫報,以下同)   大約是前兩年,內參君看過一部科幻電影,名字叫《Her》,講的是一個作家和性愛機器人的故事。 《Her》的故事,發生在2025年。電影的男主人公是一名作家,和老婆分手後,很寂寞也很難過。後來,作家接觸到了一款性愛機器人,這款女機器人能Inflammation is an essential part of the body's healing system. Without it, injuries would fester and simple infections could be deadly. Too much of a good… ... What you eat can fuel or cool inflammation, a key driver of heart disease, diabetes, and other...


The Sneeze - Half zine. Half blog. Half not good with fractions. 說到「網紅」,大家前幾年還覺得新鮮,如今已經見怪不怪…… 中國的網紅,從最初的芙蓉姐姐,到後來的鳳姐,到犀利哥, 再到如今社交媒體上坐擁粉絲無數的大V們……   大家走紅和吸粉的方式可以說是八仙過海,各展神通。 最初的網絡紅人芙蓉姐Years ago, my friend Lisa gave me an autographed box of Urkel-O's cereal. It is signed: "To Steve -- God Bless, Jaleel White." I don't know, but if I were God, I'm not sure I'd listen to Urkel. In fact, I think my Godly response might be something like, "...


Healthy Lunches - What Nutritionists Eat -   話說,很多人可能都會覺得自己循規蹈矩的人生過得非常枯燥,他們一定的年紀就去上學,畢業以後就找一份工作,然後每天日出而作日落而息,慢慢的老去,離開人世...   他們不會一夜暴富,也不會家喻戶曉,他們只是無數個普通人中的一個。   然而,每個人其實卻有一個機會,會讓A ransacked-from-the-fridge meal need not be sad. In fact, the lunches that blogger Sarah Britton, author of My New Roots: Inspired Plant-Based Recipes for Every Season, assembles out of leftovers are surprisingly enviable. It's all in how you build your ...
