you can run it

parkrun UK ▲這真的太可惡了!(source: dailymail)   大家好我是云編~ 醫生在大家的眼中,總是應該懸壺濟世,一位好醫生應該要盡可能站在病人的角度著想,如果真的診療結果不如期待,病人跟家屬也能夠接受,這樣才是好的醫病關係。但在英國卻有一位叫做Ian Paterson的英國醫生,59What Next? parkrun aims to have an event in every community that wants one. Want your own parkrun event in your backyard? Read on. We'd be delighted to work with you to set up and manage a parkrun event in your own backyard. All that you need to start thi...


Project Run and Play ▲日本最強「小學生寫真偶像」紗綾。(source:2ch,下同。)     大家好,吉編又來了! 2ch上有網友分享這位名叫「紗綾」的寫真偶像的照片,據說她不但從11歲就開始拍攝泳裝寫真,而且還是《花花公子》雜誌史上最年輕的封面女郎。 紗綾不但身材「超兇」,寫真作品的質量也是有The technique I'm showing you today came from a place of necessity. I LOVE stripes. LOVE them. But sometimes I can't find the exact color I need or it's just on a fabric that quality just isn't up to par, and that makes me crazy. So instead of drafting up...


Journey to Forever ▲女宗師閆芳一掌「震飛10人」。(source:kknews,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 最近網路上有一則事件充滿網友的熱議,相信你應該也有看過,就是「格鬥狂人」徐曉冬僅在20秒以內就KO「太極宗師」魏雷的事件。最近網友對傳統武術也越來越關注,於是就有網友從youtube找到5年前Introduction What people are saying about us About Handmade Projects Sitemap (text only) Projects Community development Why we're doing this Rural development Fixing what's broken City farms Edible cities Organic gardening Everyone can grow their own ......


Run SFM 話說... 很多人都聽過這麼一句話, 愛笑的女孩兒運氣不會太差... 嗯,畢竟愛笑的人總會給我們一種很陽光向上的感覺,或者是愛笑讓人感覺很年輕,起碼是心態上很放鬆。 然而... 最近韋仕敦大學腦科學思維研究院,就發布了這樣一則最新的研究... 他們表示... 愛笑的女孩兒運氣好不好俺們不知道, 但Marathon Runners (or simply runners) can take help by reading out the useful, tips and suggested posts. ... The FlexBelt is proven to tone, strengthen, and tighten your abdominal muscles in just a matter of weeks. For just 30 minutes per day, you’ll be ab...


Canabalt - Official Site    在這個世界上,有很多危險致命的地方 可能是年久失修的吊橋、 歷史悠久的山徑、難以抵達的顛峰, 光看圖片,寶寶已嚇尿! 但那些熱愛冒險、挑戰自己腎上腺素的人, 願意冒著生命安全去到那些險境!   只想知道它是怎樣下來的,現實版《速度與激情》的即視感!▼  Canabalt - Official Site...


Eat, Live, Run ▲其實很多男人都會做這些事啊!(source: 左:Shutterstock / 右:Waterpik)   大家好我是云編~ 如果你生為男性,最害怕聽到人家說的一句話可能就是「你這樣很娘欸!」很娘、不夠MAN在父權社會中好像變成一件很糟糕的事,但事實上,是誰規定男人一定要做某Well, I’ve started and stopped writing this post like a million times now. I think you all know where I am going with this, as it’s been pretty clear to everyone I haven’t been around here much these days. When I started writing this blog, back in 2007, I...
