盤點10個「要被關一輩子的超恐怖犯人」罪名毛股悚人!#2 綁架「美術老師44個小時」只為了批評他的作
Need to Hide Some Income? You Don’t Have to Go to Panama - The New York Times本文獲得微信公眾號 英國那些事兒(hereinuk) 授權,原始標題:那些註定要在英國監獄裡關押致死的終身監禁刑犯...一個個,都是怎樣的惡魔... 前幾天,我們說過英國強姦殺人犯Ian Brady的故事..... 沒有死刑,用終身監禁取而代之.... 他Setting up a shell corporation in the United States is simple — especially in states like Delaware, Wyoming and Nevada. ... Although individuals and businesses can have legitimate reasons to want to screen their holdings — for privacy or to prevent compet...