LUXGEN全新大改款U6 GT GT220全新上市 全新導入1.8L雙渦流渦輪引擎
Millions of Facebook users have no idea they’re using the internet - Quartz挾帶高人氣,LUXGEN今(11/9)日宣佈U6 GT、GT220正式上市! LUXGEN總經理蔡文榮表示:「今年,我們做了很多突破,除了是第一個主動將U5送到西班牙進行實車碰撞測試的國產車廠,為了讓大家對「賽道開發學」更有感,LUXGEN也邀請媒體到日本AUTOPOLIS賽道親身體驗,要讓各位直接It was in Indonesia three years ago that Helani Galpaya first noticed the anomaly. Indonesians surveyed by Galpaya told her that they didn’t use the internet. But in focus groups, they would talk enthusiastically about how much time they spent on Facebook...