you have no idea

Millions of Facebook users have no idea they’re using the internet - Quartz 國王亞瑟被俘,本應被處死刑,但對方國王見他年輕樂觀,十分欣賞,於是就要求亞瑟回答一個十分難的問題,如果答出來就可以得到自由。這個問題就是:“女人真正想要的是什麼?”亞瑟開始向身邊的每個人徵求答案:公主、牧師、智者……結果沒有一個人能給他滿意的回答It was in Indonesia three years ago that Helani Galpaya first noticed the anomaly. Indonesians surveyed by Galpaya told her that they didn’t use the internet. But in focus groups, they would talk enthusiastically about how much time they spent on Facebook...


How to Get Startup Ideas - Paul Graham    下面這些是女人被偷瞄,形態各異的瞬間抓拍。不管這些是巧合,還是有意,總都讓人會心一笑! 1、神情各異的男人 2、身高的尷尬 3、攝影師你是故意的吧! 4、凶悍的偷瞄哦 5、可愛的小貓 6、孩子你看那裡了 7、球場上的女人 8、豪放 9、你有意的吧 10、總統都驚艷了 11November 2012 The way to get startup ideas is not to try to think of startup ideas. It's to look for problems, preferably problems you have yourself. The very best startup ideas tend to have three things in common: they're something the founders themselve...


Go away - 27bslash6.com成功的因素有很多,但排名第一的成功關鍵是什麼?你可能猜不出來。答案是:配偶,你經常睡的人。每兩個頂尖成功的人中,就會有一個因為找對床伴而成功,這個因素占成功的50%,甚至是更高。 大部分人沒有成功,就是因為找了一個能摧毀他的人。武大郎沒能把燒餅店開到全大宋連鎖,一個很重要的原因是潘金蓮給他This site contains none of your business. You do not have permission to access the content and if you do so you agree to waive all rights. ... That's not how it works I'm not sure how to make this any clearer. You do not have permission to promote your bo...


Hollaback! - Official Site一個男人在外工作20年,終於要回家了,老闆問他:你是要20年的工資還是要3句忠告?男人說我明天上路,明早給您答案好嗎?老闆說可以。當晚男人未眠…早晨,他對老闆說:我要3個忠告。於是老闆給他3句話。一、不要試圖尋找不可能的捷徑,世上沒有便宜的事,只有腳踏實地才是最好的方法…demonstration, transphobic K.B’s Story: “Nice Butt” Walking near Washington University at St. Louis when a white pickup truck drives past. The man on the passenger side leans out the window and shouts “Nice butt!” Having no clue what to do, I go with “pre...


Felix Salmon - Analysis & Opinion | Reuters有一個男的,沒考上大學,父母就給他找了個老婆結婚了,結婚後就在本村的小學教書。由於沒有經驗,不到一周就被學生轟下了台。回到家後,老婆爲他擦了擦眼淚,安慰說,滿肚子的東西,有人倒得出來,有人倒不出來,沒必要爲這個傷心,也許有更適合你的事情等著你去做。 後來,他外出打工,又被老板轟了回來,因爲動作太慢。No Exit, the new book from Gideon Lewis-Kraus, should be required reading for anybody who thinks it might be a good idea to found a startup in Silicon Valley. It shows just how miserable the startup founder’s life is, and raises the question of why anybod...


Action Without Borders - Official Site 1、如果很喜歡很喜歡一個人,那麼,保持一個朋友的距離就夠了,這樣可以一輩子。千萬不要奢望靠近,人一旦有了貪欲,就注定要失去2、在無數個睡不著的晚上,我相信會有很多人,習慣性的開始閉上眼睛,安靜的想念一個人,想念一張臉。而在他們心裡,能夠有這樣一個人可以想念,或許就夠了。3、如果喜歡一個人就能和他在We're glad to have you! Before you can be active in this community, you'll have to become a Connector. Take a moment to learn more about the role and agree to our ... Welcome! Thanks for joining Idealist! We're glad to have you. Please check your email an...
