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Kissing You Prom - Video Dailymotion - Dailymotion - Watch, publish, share videos 這是故意的嗎??"噁心的咖啡"Kissing You Prom by Doppelgangerqueer Follow 18 18,947 views Tweet About 10 comments Videos Export Add to This fanvid, I think, is the very favorite of mine that I have made so far. It is very sad, and I have to admit, I cry each It was inspired by episod...


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You prom questions answered 噢~我是吃到了什麼! 怎麼可以這麼難吃>_You prom questions answered By The Civility Group Digital Vision/Digital Vision/GettyImages Dear Etiquette Ladies: My prom will feature a buffet and I'm wearing gloves. Is it okay to take off my gloves before I go to the buffet table? How do I make sure I...
