you spin me right round

yam 天空部落-影音分享-You Spin Me Round 圖片來自: 秋香覺得隨身碟真的是相當好用(*≧m≦*)有時包包裡可能會忘了放手帕,但是隨身碟是一定會帶的,因為隨時要把檔案帶來帶去超方便的阿!而且容量其實不太是秋香購買時考量的重點,因為 2GB、4GB、12GB對我來說都很夠用,不過,外型就真的是要看有You spin me right round baby, right round, Like a record baby, right round, round, round, You spin me right round baby, right round, Like a record baby, right round, round, round I,dont want to be your friend now baby, but I,I wanna move in just a little...


請問一首西洋歌曲You spin me round... - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 圖片來源:everpurse 手機不離身,一沒帶手機或是手機沒電就令人覺得急躁不安,所以應該人人包包裡都有一顆行動電源吧!有時候用行動電源充電的時候動到線沒接好,其實也沒充到....芝加哥有人發明了這樣的行動電源!把手機丟進包包裡,不用接線~自動充電~   單看照片還以為只是甚麼品牌的零*You spin me right round, baby right round like a record, baby Right round round round You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round round round I, I got be your friend now, baby And I would like to move in Just a little bit cl...


yam 天空部落-影音分享-Flo Rida-Round Round毛骨悚然 美國藝術家南瓜雕刻太逼真 據《華爾街日報》報導,美國藝術家Ray Villafane將其南瓜雕刻推入到一個新的階段,正如以下圖片所示,經過一兩個小時的雕刻,42歲的Ray Villafane利用其在高端藝術以及模型設計方面的背景,在南瓜表面上雕刻出錯綜複雜的面孔,令觀眾看的頭髮都立起來了。Kesha)(Flo Rida)You spin my head right round, right roundWhen you... ‧小尖兵站管部落格 ‧客服信箱 ‧yam蕃薯藤首頁 會員註冊 ... I’m in a daze, that bottom is wavin’ at me Like damn it I know you You wanna show like a gun out of holster Tell me whatever and ......


You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia想當初還在天真無邪的年紀時,看著功夫電影總幻想自己也有可能是那個百年難得一見的練武奇才,進階點的可能還幻想過要打通自己的任督二脈,可惜長大後頂多只知道頸動脈在哪兒,這個武林高手之夢也醒了大半,不過惡搞的玩心倒還剩下不少,如果無法學會運氣徒手在石頭上寫字、那至少可以靠多年來累積下來的體重在沙灘上留下只" You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) " is a song by British band Dead or Alive on their 1985 album Youthquake. The song was the first UK number-one hit by the Stock Aitken Waterman production trio. Released in November 1984,......
