TWO WRITING TEACHERS | A meeting place for a world of reflective writers.太悲慘了... 朋友聚會,相識相知,讓互有好感的兩人走到了一起。愛情的結晶讓他欣喜不已,然而,關於妻子不忠的流言讓他困惑,兩人在吵吵鬧鬧中離婚。 後來,他帶著三個女兒做了親子鑑定,結果讓他簡直不敢相信自己的眼睛:自己疼愛的三個孩子,竟沒有一人與他有血緣關係!於是,他向法院起訴,要求前妻賠償他支出的撫Do you have students who are interested in math and science, but claim they hate writing or don’t know what to write about in their writer’s notebooks? Here are 10 newer picture books to inspire them to write about their passion....