young and beautiful

Young & Beautiful (2013) - IMDb我們總認為變形金剛(尤其又是能當車子發動駕駛的),指有可能出現在電影裡,或是要好久以後才會研發出來,但現在現實生活中真的出現變形金剛了(雖然還不能用來出任務拯救世界)!!!土耳其公司Letrons成功研發出一個真實版的變形金剛,由一架紅色寶馬變身成紅色巨型機械人!能夠擁有這架金剛大概會是男人的夢想吧Directed by François Ozon. With Marine Vacth, Géraldine Pailhas, Frédéric Pierrot, Fantin Ravat. After losing her virginity, Isabelle takes up a secret life as a call girl, meeting her clients for hotel-room trysts. Throughout, she remains curiously aloof...


Young & Reckless - Official Site當女人說到喜歡的男人類型,可說是百百款。但若說到討厭的男人類型,你會發現有很大的重覆性!而下列將列舉四種最讓女人討厭的男人品性,你會發現,擁有這些品性的男性,他們的感情通常都難以維持長久。   1. 優柔寡斷的男人 相信我,這絕對比脾氣糟的男人還要來得讓女人討厭。這樣的男人沒有主見、唯唯諾Young & Reckless is a street-wear inspired lifestyle brand that has seamlessly woven the simplicity of casual apparel with the intricacy of design. ... Connect with us! We'd love to hear from you - please use the form to send us your message or ideas. 334...


Beautiful/Decay - Official Site近日Dcard網民分享,因為一張超速罰單,發現大哥偷吃,把事情告訴了大嫂,導致要把即將舉辦的婚禮取消,家人把錯都怪罪於她身上。然而網友很支持她做法,「你太棒了~~家人的酸言酸語聽聽就好,等他們冷靜下來就會知道是你哥的問題」 (Sourse: Dcard ),本文圖片皆源於同處   她媽叫她Blog about contemporary art, music, and video based out of Los Angeles, CA....


Broke and Beautiful • (source:Dcard下同)   以前的女性都很矜持,不敢倒追男生,但是現代的女生就不同了。尤其遇到比較木頭的男性,現代女生也是越來越敢追求屬於自己的幸福了。 Dcard有名女網友在網路上學到間接告白的文章,就想對自己喜歡的學長試用,沒想到學長的反應讓她很失望。於是她後來再接再厲,再butter LONDON has been a favorite of mine for years when it comes to everything nails. Their matte topcoat is a mainstay in my kit and their colors are some of the most beautiful in my uncontrollable collection. Over the years, they’ve been expanding into...


Beautiful Places to Visit - Photos and Information近日Dcard一位網友分享,因為男友當天臨時有課程要上,所以要原本的約會改到早上,所以早起替男友做早餐送給男友。男友忘記帶員工證需要回家拿,所以不能到本來約好的地點見面,女友問:「為何要特地搭公車去市政府…」,男友郤暴怒說:「滾!我不想見面了!」讓女生受傷在捷運上掉眼淚。網友同情的說:Photos of beautiful places to visit all over the world. Mountains, oceans, lakes, deserts, beaches, cities, and everything in between. Wallpaper sized photos ... Famous Annapurna is a section of the Himalaya mountain range, located in central Nepal. The n...


Operation Beautiful看人用可樂泡澡可能已經不稀奇了,可是你有看過可樂泳池嗎? (source: thatviralfeed)  本文圖片皆出自同處。 根據網站That Viral Feed網站的報導,拍攝影片的Taras Maksimuk花了好幾小時,將1500加侖的可樂填滿了一個泳池。 然後他說服Ryan跳Post-It Phrase of the Day: “You are, after all, what you think. Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions.” ? Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love Post a note, take a picture, and e-mail it to Caitlin at [email pr...
