1080p Video Fix! How to play 1080P Videos on Youtube with NO lag/choppyness at all! [1080P Video] - 老師在課堂上教導學生如何有禮貌的說話,於是她提出以下的問題小白如果你約了喜歡的女孩子一起吃晚餐當你想上廁所時你要怎們說?小白~ 思考了一下說 , 我去撒個尿就來老師~ 這是粗魯不禮貌的說法老師~ 小黃你會怎們回答小黃~ 不好意思 我想去一下廁所 馬上就回來老師~ 恩 這樣說有比較好一點 . 但是餐桌Man why won't my Computer play 1080p videos!!! -It is not because of your computer processor! In this fix I show you how to make your computer stable using a different plugin, the plugin includes accelerated video thus making your 1080P experience on Yout...