How To: Watch (fix) 1080p Videos Without Lag on Chrome - YouTube 圖toments 恐怖奪魂聖誕節! 12月25日凌晨3點20分左右,家住海口水岸陽光小區的葉先生返回小區,乘坐電梯上樓時被困在電梯內,因手機沒有信號,同時按電梯內的報警鈴也無人搭理,葉先生被困在電梯內近三小時。 當天上午6點10分左右,聞訊趕來的保安將電梯How To: Watch (fix) 1080p Video Lag on Chrome As most of you guys know, some 1080p videos on chrome lag very much and I found this little trick and decided to share it with you. Partner with TGN and earn a lot of money: http://adf.ly/vbKQT (TGN is the fis...