Mickey Mouse Cartoon - The Moving Day (1936) (Co-starring Donald and Goofy) - YouTube 某週六午後,小鎮的安寧忽然被一陣令人煩躁的長鳴喇叭聲打破,不過當路人氣憤地循聲找到“始作俑者”,卻都不約而同的爆笑起來,事關眼前正在按喇叭的竟然是一隻滿臉不爽的狗狗! 因為不滿主人逛街逛太久而且又不帶上自己,18個月大的拳獅犬Fern決定坐到駕駛位狂按喇叭來求This classic Mickey, Donald and Goofy cartoon depicts the three in a bind and they need to move before their furniture is auctioned off. Unfortunately for them their furniture doesn't want to leave and the results are hillarious! Date: Sunday June 14 2009...