"Kun Faaya Kun Rockstar" (Official full video) "Ranbir Kapoor" - YouTube近年宮鬥劇一部接一部,劇中常有眾嬪妃為了爭奪皇帝的寵愛,希望皇上晚上來「翻牌」,於是想盡辦法「緊緊」抓住他。事實上,民間早流傳有一些偏方能讓陰道變緊實,讓房事更性福,其中吃阿膠就是經典代表,到底是否真有效? 陰道鬆弛2大原因:產後、更年期 中醫師吳明珠表示,女人陰道鬆弛一般來說有2大原因:一是產後,Kun Faaya Kun' the latest song from the one of the most exciting movies Rockstar. In this movie Ranbir Kapoor has shed his boy next door image and we believe this is his best work done so far. This song is sung by Mohit Chauhan, Javed Ali, A R Rahman wher...