Welcome to YoYo Games | YoYo Games Images Source: media 、 i1 隨著科技的進步讓人與人之間的互動越來越密切,卻也讓人與人之間的距離漸行漸遠,特別是對那些不管做什麼都習慣一個人的「邊緣人」來說更是如此。透過大數據調查可以發現,近一年內有超過十萬筆關於邊緣人的討論度,邊緣人這個詞在網YoYo Games is the home of GameMaker: Studio, the fastest and easiest to use cross-platform game development technology, allowing developers to create games in a single code base and then publish them to run natively across an unprecedented number of ......