The Goodforit Barber Club 期間限定店舖 - 07 01 新光三越南西店
The 3rd Hong Kong Games - Leisure and Cultural Services Department | 康樂及文化事務署 作為台灣首間、同時也是唯一不斷開發並引進各地復古造型品的台北店舖 goodforit 日前預計七月一日於新光三越百貨正式設立 ”The Goodforit Barber Club”,將專門販售包括水洗式髮油、各式梳具、髮乳、刮鬍膏、保溼乳、鬍後水等男性修容/造型產品,除了獨家發售新款造型品牌商品外The 3rd Hong Kong Games (HKG) will be held from May 14 to June 5, 2011. With the 18 District Councils as the participating units, the HKG will cover eight sports competitions, namely athletics, badminton, basketball, futsal, swimming, table tennis, tennis...