Amazon.com: Logitech Speakers Z130: Electronics 擁有完美man power的二頭肌,相信是大多數熱愛健身男孩心目中夢寐追求的鍛鍊里程碑。但是對於 Arlindo de Souza 來說,二頭肌不只是二頭肌,它還代表著榮耀與殊榮! 這位來自巴西,今年43歲的筋肉人 Arlindo de Souza 在他長期精心培養肌肉下,老天不負苦心人,讓他被世Hi, I know that when we purchase budget speakers we would like to find a gem hidden in the clutter as these are low-engineered just to sell...I believe in all honesty that Logitech did something right with this particular model. I read the pro and con rev...