z313 bass

Logitech - Speaker System Z313 - Logitech - Get Immersed in the Digital World!恩~~~真得是這樣嗎? The easy way to kick back with your music. Control at hand You’ve got power—and volume—in the palm of your hand with the wired control pod. Get down on it Say good-bye to built-in PC audio. You get room-filling sound and deeper bass for all your PC ......


Logitech - Speaker System Z313 customer reviews - product reviews - read top consumer ratings  網拍缺錢是個惡性循環你知道嗎?莫名其妙的自信會讓網拍的評價大減....   大嬸不一定要露肌凸才....會有客人阿.... 也不一定要露溝才....       這是傳說中大嬸I had them for almost 2 years and how I am with bass I was surprised they even lasted this long. They also get pretty loud. I use them for yahoo messenger on my PDA and for playing mp3's on my PDA. Logitech makes pretty good speakers is why I got them in ...
