Zadar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 作者:本間良子 醫師 跟過去相比,你覺得自己的性致減少,或是懷疑自己性冷感嗎?不少人都認為,人到中年對性的需求要比年輕時衰退,是很自然的事。事實上,不論男女,都是由男性賀爾蒙左右性慾。當人持續疲勞的身心狀態,導致「腎上腺疲勞」時,會優先生產應付壓力的皮質醇,於是男性賀爾蒙和DHEA的生產就會減少。Zadar (Croatian pronunciation: [zâdar]; see other names) is a city in Croatia on the Adriatic Sea. It is the centre of Zadar County and the wider northern Dalmatian region. Zadar is a historical center of Dalmatia as well as the seat of the Roman Catholic...