Zara (retailer) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 小明去應徵鐵道員。主考官:如果火車快要相撞了,你怎麼辦?小明:我會立刻舉起紅旗子。主考官:如果沒有紅旗子怎麼辦?小明:我會揮舞我身上穿的紅襯衫。主考官:如果你剛好沒穿紅襯衫怎麼辦?小明:我會趕快叫我老婆來。主考官:喔?為什麼呢?小明:因為她沒看過火車相撞啊!! 50% of the products Zara sells are manufactured in Spain, 26% in the rest of Europe, and 24% in Asian and African countries and the rest of the world. So while some competitors outsource all production to Asia, Zara makes its most fashionable items—half o...