zebralight h51w

Zebralight H52w / H52Fw / H52 / H52F review | BudgetLightForum.com周末,老公正在書房讀書,忽然兒子鵬鵬神秘兮兮地鉆了近來!兒子:老爸!你看我找到了什么!!這可是我本世紀最最偉大的發現!!!老公:嘿嘿,什么東東這么神秘?過來,讓老爸看看兒子(走到老公跟前,手里拿著一個本子):別急!你先答應請我吃一頓肯德基!老公:可以、可以,你先給我!兒子:說話算數?老公:我跟你拉鉤I don’t know about the original H51w, but I can compare my final rev H51w to the new H52w. The H51w has a smaller emitter and a more focused hotspot, so I would expect it to throw better at similar lumen ratings. The H52w has a much more efficient driver ...


ZebraLight H52w vs H52Fw - CandlePowerForums - The Front Page大學書本堆成山,學海無涯無了期。幸有層出不窮的的“爆肚”片段,使大學四年在笑聲中不知不覺度過……  “爆肚”一:  某夜, 寢室臥談持續至凌晨三點, 突然想討論一個問題: “碰到一個漂亮姑娘,Hello all - First post on the forum. After doing a fair amount of lurking/researching I pulled the trigger on my SC52w and really like it ALOT. Surprisingly bright for it's size and amazed how long a single AA lasts in this thing. Now on the hunt for a he...


GEAR » Zebralight overload...help me choose -- BackpackingLight.com Forums一個男人周五下午離開家去上班。當天是發薪日,因此他沒有回家,整個周末在外面 與朋友們狂歡,并花光了他的全部薪水。 周日晚上他終于回到家里后,火冒三丈的妻子正等著他,連珠炮似的對他的所作所為 罵了將近一個小時。最后,妻子停止了喋喋不休的嘮叨,問他:「要是你也連續三天看不 到我,你作何感想?」 他回答:H52W on 11/26/2013 10:02:05 MST I am new to Zebralight, having picked up the new H52W (neutral color) on pre-order. I have used it camping and hiking, and overall love it as a backpacking headlight. Pros: Waterproof, great balance of flood/spot for ......


ZebraLight SC52w AA Flashlight with Cree Neutral White LED一群動物過江,至江心船開始進水,必須有一部分下水才行。 聰明的猴子想了一個主意,讓各人講一個笑話,若講出的笑話不能讓所有人發笑,就要把講的人扔下水。 于是開始抽簽,結果是從貓第一個講,然后是猴子、雞…… 貓費盡心思講了一個笑話,結果所有的人都笑了,只有豬不笑。無奈動物們只The ZebraLight SC52w L2 features a neutral white Cree LED with an amazing output of up to 280 lumens in high. The neutral white LED provides a natural looking white light - more like the color of sunlight. This ultra small LED flashlight measures only 3" ...


Zebralight SC62w | BudgetLightForum.com視愛情為生活奢侈品:有最好,沒有也能活。  若工作計劃與男友約會檔期沖突,取前者——前者不會辜負你(且越老越不會,除非你當三陪)。  簽任何合同之前至少看三遍——最具挑戰性的合同是婚約。  不必刻意表現成熟。小女孩用吸煙,It’s very similar to the SC600w II in output, but it’s MUCH smaller in size. (picture from Markr6 at CPF). The one on the left is the SC600 L2. The one right next to it is the SC62. The SC62 is shorter and much narrower, especially at the head. It’s also ...


GEAR » Trail Running Headlamp -- BackpackingLight.com Forums獅子看過嗎? 兩個探險家在叢林中旅行狩獵,突然有隻兇猛的獅子跳到他們面前。 「保持冷靜,」其中一人低聲說,「記得我們看過的那本講野獸的書嗎?見到獅子時,只要站著不動和盯著牠看,牠就會轉身逃跑。」 「你說得不錯,」他的同伴回答,「你看過那本書,我也看過,可是獅子看過嗎?」ZL H51W on 07/15/2013 23:17:51 MDT The Zebralight H51F is a favorite of trail runners who frequent CPF (candle power forums). It's a mix of focus and flood, often called a "directional flood." 200 lumens, single AA. Weight 1.2 oz. $64. There are lots of ....
