10大校園未解之謎 你肯定遇到過!
Zombies, Run! - Official Site 1. 為什麼每一個學校以前都是個墳場/火葬場? 2. 為什麼我們這一屆總是班導帶的最差的一屆? 3. 為什麼食堂的阿姨手總是抖? 4. 為什麼無論被騙了多少次,我們都會相信那句“老師來了”? 5. 為什麼一開運動會就下雨? 6. 為什麼廁所隔間沒有門? 7. 為什麼老師說再Only a few have survived the zombie epidemic. You are a Runner en-route to one of humanity’s last remaining outposts. They need your help to gather supplies, rescue ... I tried Zombies Run for the first time today, & I actually stayed moving for the whole...