Zoom lens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 咖啡屬舶來品, 當西方文化與中國傳統中醫文化發生碰撞, 且看東方老中醫,怎樣給咖啡把脈! 我敢保證,咖啡的功能絕對超乎想像,只要你看完這篇文章,一定想來一杯! 趕緊來看看吧... 咖啡豆取自咖啡樹的果實, 色紅赤屬火,入心,氣焦苦,併入大腸徑。 性味辛甘苦澀,炒燥焦。 A zoom lens is a mechanical assembly of lens elements for which the focal length (and thus angle of view) can be varied, as opposed to a fixed focal length (FFL) lens (see prime lens). A true zoom lens, also called a ......