Zoom B3 Bass Effect & Amp Simulator & Q2-HD Video Camera Demo - YouTube 靠北女友原文連結那天晚上 我們吵架了..我一直都很珍惜我們之間的感情所以我使盡千百種方式努力挽回妳我先是匯了520進妳戶頭然後又匯了1314進去..妳居然回我有誠意的話一句話不要分開講?????幹?Demo of Zoom's B3 Bass Effect & Amp Simulator,shot with Zoom's Q2-HD Video Camera. This video was shoot as a request from "The Bassman," Derek Trull. The camera shoots way clearer video than this. There was a lot of glare from the overhead lights. The sou...