天籟之音Maserati Quattroporte GTS Impero 特仕版868萬起正式登場
ZTE Nubia Z7 Max Review - "Flagship Killer"- Killer? - YouTube誕生百年的Maserati以舉世聞名的三叉戟廠徽傲視車壇,且將源自文藝復興的義式風華與代代相傳的賽車基因相結合,賦予旗下車款宛如藝術品般的傳世美感與經典賽車血統,寫下超過一世紀的經典傳奇。在1963年前初次問世的「Quattroporte」,展現Maserati獨樹一格的GT精神,於全球豪華車市中開My review of the Nubia Z7 Max - Is this a OnePlus One Killer? Does that make it a ""Flagship Killer" Killer"? ;) Link to order it can be found below... The Nubia Z7 Max is powerd by a Snapdragon 801 Chipset that houses 4 Krait 400 cores clocked at 2.5 Ghz...