Citroen DS 5 vs. Mini Cooper S 5D vs. Alfa Romeo Giulietta 誰最到位?
,nbsp,這三款車看似不在同一天平級距上,但所具有的獨特時尚外觀卻是市場中較具設計感並能展現車主品味的代表車款,再加上幾近相同的價格,對於想選擇一部想彰顯個人品味的年輕買家,相信Citroen,DS,5,Mini,Cooper,S,5D與Alfa,Romeo,Giulietta絕對會出現在購車清單裡,Citroen,DS,5,THP,建議售價,169,8萬元,平均油耗,13,7km,L,原廠保固...Reflections on Susan Glaspell’s Trifles 1. Introduction In search of evidence and Mrs. Wright’s motive behind the murder of her husband, the sheriff, county attorney, and Mr. Hale came to the farmhouse to investigate the crime scene; the crucial evidence ...