Understanding CD-R & CD-RW - Disc Size and Capacity老公沉迷於我的那個部位,每次他都毫不憐香惜玉,竟然一次又一次地對我…我只覺得痛…
VIA VIA2 我今年24歲,正直青春年華。長得不能算很漂亮,也算清秀。最重要的是,我有一對讓女人嫉妒,讓男人神魂顛倒的大胸。 一到夏天,我就很糾結。有些大領子的衣服,總會讓我春光乍現。那些色鬼男人像狗仔隊一般,只要我有點動靜,立刻睜著眼睛跟過來。 這便是讓我反感男人的原因。但是老公卻DISC SIZE AND CAPACITY What are the physical sizes of CD-R and CD-RW discs? CD-R and CD-RW discs come in standard 12 cm (120 mm) and 8 cm (80 mm) sizes. The most popular is the larger 12 cm type which has the same physical dimension as most ......