Control-Z - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia女友懷孕但不想要小孩...他抱怨女友「不肯墮胎AA制」 網友怒嗆:你是不是男人?
▲ㄜ。(source: 底圖todaysparent / 文字截圖自Kaobei女友) 大家好我是云編~ 現在男女逐漸平等,跟以前的時代不一樣,現在女性也會出外工作,有些女性的薪水甚至會比男友還高,因此以前男女約會總是男方出錢,現在則有愈來愈多人偏好各付各的或是AA制,其實Control+Z is a control character in ASCII code. It is commonly used as a substitute (SUB) character. It is perhaps best known as the keyboard shortcut in Windows applications for the undo command. It is also used to signal an end-of-file on some operating...