多了一檔的Aston Martin V12 Vantage S 2017年式樣純七速手排版本!徹底彰顯手排魂
isCar,還記得不久之前奧斯頓馬丁,Aston,Martin,執行長Andy,Palmer曾信誓旦旦地對外宣示,我希望奧斯頓馬丁成為世界上最後一間提供手排變速箱的超跑車廠,頗有捨我其誰的態度,而言猶在耳,奧斯頓馬丁似乎也相當夠誠意的,說話算話,遂於日前正式推出了V12,Vantage,S,2017年式樣的,純手排版本,奧斯頓馬丁執行長Andy,Palmer,我過去雖然已經說過很多次,但我在這裡要...Send an email to HP's CEO, Meg Whitman, with ideas or suggestions on how Hewlett-Packard can serve you better. ... If you have any comments on how Hewlett-Packard can serve you better, please e-mail them to me by using the form on this page. If you need ....