Maxi-Cosi offers highly appreciated car seats and strollers for babies, toddlers and kids凍手 .
天氣又開始變得冷颼颼了,還飄著絲絲的細雨~ 姐妹兩人要去逛百貨公司,經過公車站牌附近的銀行,就想先去銀行外面的提款機領點錢,但不巧正好碰到運鈔車正在裝鈔。 ⋯⋯兩人站在提款機旁邊等了半天,手都快凍僵了,還不時要忍受保全警衛飄來懷疑的眼光。 姐一如往常簡短的問我:「凍手嗎?」我照舊簡短地回答The best protection for babies, toddlers and kids. Maxi-Cosi offers highly appreciated car seats and strollers in every category. ... At Maxi-Cosi, we understand the thrill of having a new baby in the family and the excitement of spending time together, d...