TCP-Z v2.6 - 破解TCP/IP連接數限制,釋放網絡潛能 :: 綠色工廠 Easylife Blog跟無聊的約會說掰掰!14個讓你們愛情升溫的約會計畫~
每次約會都在苦惱該去哪嗎?每次都做一樣的事太無聊了,但別擔心!這14個約會idea能一秒解決你的煩惱! 1. 去公園來場野餐約會吧- 雖然聽起來很老套卻是經典,呼吸新鮮空氣怎麼會出錯呢(除非天氣太熱搞得你滿頭大汗,但先撇開這不談)來點起司跟酒,假裝自己在納帕山谷的葡萄園度假吧! 2. 買票去看棒球囉Raise the limited of half-open (incomplete outbound) TCP connection, Release the power of your network, download faster, and more task can be run at the same time. Features: 1) Safe And Easy: Modifies Tcpip.sys in memory. The changes take effect ......