
House (season 3) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

House ' s third season ran from September 5, 2006[4] to May 29, 2007.[4] Early in the season, House temporarily regains the use of his leg due to ketamine treatment after he was shot in the season two finale.[5] Later in the season, he leaves a stubborn p...

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圖翻攝自youtube 下同 不知道有沒有人也像我一樣,每次坐車經過山路,總是會覺得特別緊繃!尤其是從車內看出去全部都是陡峭的山路的時候...真的會緊張的冒冷汗耶!可能因為住在城市裡,所以都習慣的有大馬路,但是對於那些住在偏遠地區的人們,那些令人發毛的陡峭道路,就是他們每天都得挑戰的了...這次為...
