
USA Table Tennis - Official Site

Your daily dose for everything related to table tennis in the United States. ... Loveland grad, CSU student Kevin Ball competing in table tennis U.S. Open in Las Vegas Kevin Ball likely never envisioned a trip to the U.S. Open as Loveland High School's pi...

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日前,一男一女攜帶2名小孩在廣東電白縣城水東人民路上裸體徒步行走,引發路人圍觀。此事在電白同鄉論壇等社區網絡上,也引起眾多網友關注。 當天晚上,電白縣公安局有關負責人在網上回復稱:“該男女是一對夫婦,兩個小孩是他們的孩子。男名張某某,自稱50歲;女名張某某,37歲。兩人是河南省舞陽縣人...
