
Pouch Cell - Small but not Trouble Free – Battery University

My pouch cell swelled to similar size as the one in the picture figure 2. After swelling there is no way you can put it back. With mine it happened quickly. One day it was working fine and the next it stopped. When I opened it up the battery just got bigg...

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這可能是當世最幸運的一個胖子:前一周,他連續3次中得彩票大獎,合計攬獲了折合約4億人民幣的巨獎;下一周,他優哉游哉的去辭職,卻巧遇真愛主動表白;又過了一個月,他和這位美女結婚了!一切都發生的太快,如今誰又會想到,不久之前他只是個時薪7.5美元的打工仔。 據台媒近期報導,這個幸運的肥仔名叫雨果-史蒂文...
