
Top 10 Best Stephen King Movies - With Clips | Movie Moron

Wow, “Shawshank” was voted “best movie evar” by those wise and sage people who frequent IMDB? That MUST make it so. Clearly, a Grade-D prison movie that features such unique and ground-breaking concepts as “all prisoners are innocent” and “all policemen ....

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很多人以為,一見鍾情就是四目交投一刻雙方便墜入愛河,但心理學家指出,人類要判斷出究竟喜不喜歡對方,只需90秒至4分鐘。可見初次約會是多麼的重要啦,那怎樣讓心儀女生對你有很好的印象,讓你們成功牽手呢?下面教給初次約會緊張的男生八大技巧,讓你無往不利喔~  訣竅一: 自信是一切成功的...
