
Canadian Pacific Railway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first obstacle to its construction was political. The logical route went through the American Midwest and the city of Chicago, Illinois. In addition to this was the difficulty of building a railroad through the Canadian Rockies, an entirely Canadian r...

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  世界最令人毛骨悚然的聖誕老人 聖誕節對於西方國家的意義非同小可,就像春節對於華人的意義一樣,都是一年最重要的一個節日。 在這段時間,大家可以度假,聚會,購物,互送禮物。由於聖誕假期通常和新年假期非常近,所以在很多西方國家,也有著「聖誕新年季」這麼一個說法。 總之,這個節日,非常重要就...
