
Gears of War - Official Site

Call to Arms DLC Video Check out the latest DLC for Judgment, Call to Arms including the new mode "Master at Arms." Read Full Article Guts of Gears Multiplayer Video Baird provides the inside scoope on Multiplayer. Read Full Article Gears: Guts of Judgmen...

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文/小火車 圖/廖子賢 話說用來上班代步、假日出遊約會的愛車可不像委身窄巷內的2、30年老公寓,即便年久失修,卻還可以年年漲不停。車子它這輩子最大的宿命無非就是屬「折舊」它最大尾。從年頭、年中,甚至到年尾,折舊它總是寸步不離的依附在你的愛車上。尤其購買新車的前三年,折舊就像是個叛逆期的孩子,即便你...
