
Justin Lin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Justin Lin (traditional Chinese: 林詣彬; simplified Chinese: 林诣彬; pinyin: Lín Yìbīn) is a Taiwanese-American film director whose films have grossed $2 billion worldwide.[1] He is best known for his work on Better Luck Tomorrow, The Fast and the Furious 3–6 a...

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圖片來源 喝酒之後容易變身 而且是平常看到的完全判若兩人的隱藏人格 我相信大家都有經驗吧? 而且甚至平時壓抑的許多話都會突然爆出來 有網友就分享了自己男友這樣的"恐怖"經驗 ~~~~~以下原文~~~~~~ 標題: 酒精讓他變了 閃光是一個“極度”理性的人 我們之間北鼻老婆什...
