
Colon and Rectal Cancer Home Page - National Cancer Institute

Information about colon and rectal cancer treatment, prevention, genetics, causes, screening, statistics and other topics from the National Cancer Institute. ... Definition of colon cancer: Cancer that forms in the tissues of the colon (the longest part o...

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下面這個妹子是Meg Sullivan,來自美國華盛頓,今年18歲。   妹子的父母在她很小的時候就離婚了,她一直跟着爸爸長大。   為了讓妹子在充滿愛的環境下長大,從小爸爸給了她無窮無盡的關懷。   妹子喜歡玩壘球,每次的壘球比賽,爸爸不管多忙都要到現場給女兒加油。...
